Wars, rumors of wars, earthquakes, hurricanes, poverty, epidemics, Obama, recessions and depressions, car bombings, starvation, overzealous politicians, and heck, even small-town controversies are far more important than discovering some ice on a distant star or planet as evidence that we aren’t *gasp* alone. We need to start focusing on the here and now, and not if’s and could be’s of something else being out “there”.
Our media selections contain countless “encounters with the third kind” and even more books, papers, articles talking and discussing their existence it's enough to make you go crazy. No thanks to popular TV shows and movie series, the media’s probably convinced almost all Americans—and perhaps the world—that there is a possibility we aren’t alone.
Yep, we’re not. We have each other, and most times we can’t even get along. Heck, we’ve been around for how long and STILL can’t get a grip on peace?! Oy vey.
So how could an alien encounter help us any? News flash, it wouldn’t.
Personally, if everyone is so convinced they exist, why haven’t they come around earlier? Apparently, most people believe we’ve been around for millions of years, so wouldn’t in that past we at least once “see” the so called creatures from outer space? Hmmm, guess not.
For the record, it's not being snobbish or unfair if we say we just might be the only ones, it's completely practical.
Let’s get real, people. Forget the “might be out there” aliens and let’s tackle some close-to-home issues like jump starting our economies or getting our politicians to represent us correctly or feeding starving babies and leave those so-called green men to themselves.
For you,
P. S. Men in Black is the lamest, stupidest, more disgustingly cliche movie ever.
That's sorta...kinda...what sparked this. xD
*looks up from building a mountain of mashed potatoes on her plate* What? ;D
ReplyDeleteVery nice article, Lizzie. :)
Ha, i love this! Good stuff!
ReplyDeleteI went back and read this again: haha! What a great article! You go girl, let's pull this Alien Conspiracy Theory down!
ReplyDeleteUnless, of course, the aliens did meet up with us before we fully evolved, thus sparking the evolution (ala 2001: A Space Odyssey), or our pre-historic selves had the imprintation of aliens coming at the end of humanities existence, thus where we get our idea of demons from (ala Childhood's End).
ReplyDeleteAll joking aside, I don't think there are aliens out there, for numerous reasons. But even if there were, the odds of them being intelligent are so low that it wouldn't be something to worry about. And if they were intelligent, us solving our problems would be something they'd look for.
So, I agree.