Friday, October 26, 2012

Benghazi: What Went Down (as far as we can tell)

   The American people deserve the truth about Benghazi and the events following the terrorist attack.
(A timeline of events was published here for those who didn't read the whole story.)
The current Administration's drones flew over the attack that happened on September 11th in Libya. They saw it. They watched it. Then lied about it. Proper action and justice was not served.

   Why did the President choose to do nothing? What motive is behind this? Why ignore a threat that caused American lives in Libya to be lost?

The CIA operatives were repeatedly denied requests for help as stated in this Fox News article update:

"Former Navy SEAL Tyrone Woods was part of a small team who was at the CIA annex about a mile from the U.S. consulate where Ambassador Chris Stevens and his team came under attack...shots [were] fired.... they informed their higher-ups at the annex to tell them what they were hearing and requested permission to go to the consulate and help out. They were told to "stand down,"....Soon after, they were again told to "stand down." Woods and at least two others ignored those orders and made their way to the consulate which at that point was on fire. Shots were exchanged. The rescue team from the CIA annex evacuated those who remained at the consulate and Sean Smith, who had been killed in the initial attack. They could not find the ambassador and returned to the CIA annex at about midnight. At that point, they called again for military support and help because they were taking fire at the CIA safe house, or annex. The request was [deliberately] denied."
Greta Van Susteren tweeted a note on the story, a clarification from FNC's Justin Fishnel: 
"NOTE in Benghazi story: the denial of the request from help went via the CIA chain of command, not military (Pentagon)."
But there were military drones that were watching the entire event take place, minute for minute.

Meanwhile Obama is in the states preparing for another day of campaigning, ignoring the fact that lives were lost over something that could have been completely prevented in the first place. He showed no remorse whatsoever when dealing with Tyrone Woods' family after the attack. He claimed it was all from a video not a Sharia activist group. So we ask ourselves how this will affect the Presidential race looming towards us in less than 12 days.  Was this a fluke in the higher up system of getting the information out to the right sources? In order to prevent Obama from looking bad for being too busy with his own campaign to order the rescue of the Americans in Benghazi, is there any way to justify the way this was handled? 
It seems like this was purposely ignored while the Administration spent the latter weeks telling the public it was caused because of an anti-Muslim video. Which is not true. And even when the news of the attack hit the states, "...former President Bill Clinton has been “urging” his wife to release official State Department documents that prove she called for additional security at the compound in Libya, which would almost certainly result in President Obama losing the election." (source)

As one blogger of vintage-parade said:  
"I don’t care what party affiliation you are.... But you have to understand this. Our President watched four Americans get killed, and did absolutely nothing to help. We had American forces less than an hour away in Sicily, and Obama did nothing. He knew it was a terrorist attack....days later, Jay Carney (the Press Secretary) and Susan Rice (UN Ambassador)...said it was caused because of the video [the alleged anti-Muslim video which you can read about here]." 
Contrary to the video being the reason behind this, the American Spectator warns:

"The "initial information" (to use Jay Carney's words) pouring into the State Department -- which was then handed on to the White House itself -- had no mention whatsoever of an Internet video and a quite specific reference to the Al-Qaeda terrorist group Ansar al-Sharia.
According to Mohammad Ali al-Zahawi, the self-styled "Commander of Ansar al-Sharia" his group -- admirers of Al-Qaeda -- is all about doing "battle with the liberals, the secularists and the remnants of Gaddafi." The terms "liberals" and "secularists" of course mean Americans and Westerners."

   So not only was the Obama administration denying the fact that the Benghazi attacks were caused by an Al-Qaeda extremist group and saying instead it was from an Internet video, Obama stood before Americans in press conferences, in debates, and was quoted that told us false speculation that the attack had nothing to do with very same ideology that promotes Granny Sarah's "fashion simpatico with a totalitarian ideology" that the media has so carefully avoiding saying much about. 

Nixon lied to the public, but no lives were lost.
Clinton lied about his affair, but no one died.
But Obama lied, and now 4 people have died.

   In the words of Jeffrey Lord, "Who killed Ambassador Chris Stevens? Sharia killed Ambassador Chris Stevens." And Obama did nothing to stop it. Why is the media not completely torn up about this? Why is no one rising up and calling for a trial for treason, impeachment, for justice?

   Clinton stupidly told the Woods family after losing their son that they would find and prosecute the makers of the video. What utter lies! Even if that was the reason, which we know it's not, that would conflict with the freedom of speech in the first place.

   Now would be the right time to re-think your decision on re-electing Obama and facing up to the fact that we don't belong to the government. The government belongs to us. The American public deserves to know the truth and Obama has done everything except give us just that.

   America, you have been warned.

For the pursuit of truth,


  1. Regardless of the cause of the killings, people on this side of the world (North Africa--I live in Sudan) do believe it was about the movie. Believe me, the video is enough to enrage Muslims. Even some of the most educated liberal thinkers believe the US should censor media that disrespects any religion.

    I'd like to hear your thoughts on the drones--if the lives of 4 Americans concerns you this much, what do you think of the at least 2500 killed in only Pakistan, 176 of which were children?

  2. War casualties, such as the ones you mentioned, are indeed very sad. The death of children in war zones, over the course of history, is the most heart wrenching to ever see or read about. However, the American lives that could have been spared should not somehow be discounted simply because others died in different parts of the world. Benghazi is in Libya. Your comment is rather confusing, Susanna. What is the correlation with that to the 4 Americans dying in Africa? The fact the President and other officials could of saved some of our own citizens (who did not deserve to die more so than anyone else, including a child) and yet chose not to, makes the public question the reasoning for Obama in deciding to ignore their request for help.

    I agree with the reasoning behind your statement that censoring media that disrespects religion would be more beneficial to this country.


i'm curious, what are your thoughts on this? thanks for sharing!