When you're crazy about something, you tend to go crazy when you find an fascinating website dedicated to what you're crazy about. Craziness, here, is defined as obsession, life calling, life goal, et cetra. :] I mean, if bagels were your obsession, there's a
site for you. Or how about shoes? (#2 ranked of mine ;) They got a
site for that too.
Microwaving things? Endless possibilities when it comes to people's hobbies, obsessions or life goals. And oh, by the way, you guys should really look at the links. C'mon, they're hilarious! xD Okay, sooo...wait, where was I going with this? ROFL! I typed all this and I don't even remem---wait, "Printer crazy"? Ohhh. Heh. :] Okay, so I found an extensive jounrnalism website by this famous journalist...it's all about being a better reporter, and it's so totally fab! I mean, informative, interesting, and fascinating. :) One of my guyfriends and I were talking recently and when he was trying to describe something I butted in and said, "That is soooo totally fab!" He paused for a moment then said, "Noooo. I'm a guy, I don't say fab." and I just laughed :]
Sooo, back to this website. It's called newscollege.com and it's so amazing for reporters needing coaching, refreshing, or for those seeking advice, tips, techniques, or even for rookie non-brainers like me :] I mean, I'm not entirely a rookie, I do write on here and I think I'm doing okay, (right?) but I haven't ever had anything published anything in a paper. That leads us to the question, okay is paper newspaper a waste? Or do people still actually prefer paper? What about college papers? Or people, like me, who go crazy and use the internet to PRINT out their own news? Personally, I don't think we should get rid of newspapers. But...reality seats itself and says,
"However, Liz, people are accessing the news through their iTouch's and iPhone's within seconds...they don't have to flip through cumbersome pages, or waste paper in general. News is easier to view on the web, easier to find, easier to share." The classic newspaper reporter is slowly dying. So now what? Online reporting? From the comfort of your couch with your Macbook and strong Starbucks? Sounds good to me. What are you dear people's thoughts? Paper or ePaper? :]
STUFFING! I've recently renewed my affair with this tasty, yummy, warm side dish ^_^ It's ahhhhmazing! Why do people only eat it on Thanksgiving? That's crazy! I'd eat it everyday if I could. I loveeee the Turkey (obviously) flavor the best. And yes, I do think Stove Top tastes better lol :] You should try it! It's really good with any kind of meat (even tofu! Blah! lol jk) or by itself for a lunch snack. Not very nutritious I do admit, but tasty and yummy on a chilly fall day when you have no clue what else to eat. And believe me, the mean food reds just get to you...so who you call? STUFFING! To a bland dinner's rescue :]
T-t-t-t-tofu. Most guys abhor it. Unless of course you're gay. (I don't mean that in a derogatory way). Or you have very refined tastes. Personally, it's gross unless it's in a Thai soup, or battered and fried as an appetizer. Of course, ANYTHING battered & fried is good, right? Dude I want a shirt that says that!! Wait, that so totally sounded manly. Hmm, alright, that's soooo the kind a shirt one of my guys should wear! Much better. So...tofu, unless it's in the above to conditions, or you're a vegetarian, I rest my case.
Cardigans? Oh yes. This fall they are making a huge hit in Old Navy, Forever 21, and Target. I just recently received a whole pack of them cardies for my birthday, and boy they are sooooo cute! Old Navy is the BOMB (second to Forever 21, my Old Navy is closer in distance) when it comes to long sleeves, v-neck sweaters and of course, cardies. I would not recommend them to my male friends, *cough* Mr. Rogers *cough* but girls, man up and buy some cardigans this fall! They go excellently fabulous with those cute t-shirts you purchased back in August but feel bad putting them away already...best bet is a charcoal gray cardie and a brightly colored top and BAM! Cute college-girl look in seconds. Plus, you're warm. How cool is
Love always, Lizzie ♥
I luv the cardigans thing!! Cute stuff going on!