(And yes, I spelled Spainish wrong on purpose, read below) ♥
My first post for September! Yeehaw! Last month I was doing some video-shooting involving parking citations. I would of posted about it
then, but I was sort of laying and waiting for anyone to come out and sue for giving them out. So, it was a matter of legal life and death....shh, don’t tell anyone. :]

Let me explain...I was at Pier One Imports (FAVE STORE IN THE WORLD besides the grocery store!) the other day, shopping with my bestie, (we found 50¢ rings there!) and I happened upon a little green pad of ...you guessed it,
parking citations. I'm posting a pic of them along with this post :) They are completely fake of course, but extremely hilarious and anonymously convincing. I loved them so much, me and my other bestest friend MC (which stands for Mad Catter because she's crazy like me only she's
not a Mad Hatter, but better because a Mad Catter is more awesome than a Mad Hatter and...haha um nevermind :) Anyways, she and I hatched this plan to video record us giving them out in a baseball game parking lot and then posting it on our shared YouTube. The reasons listed on the gree slips range from "Occupying a space forever" to "Owning a Hummer" to "Using a compact space for a car or SUV" and it goes on :) Just the sort of thing to slip under someone's in-violation car and walk away laughing. At least, we were. I don't know about the poor 5 or 6 souls we gave PC's too, lol. To watch the video,
click here.It's our one and only best vid up yet, all the others are crappy and I HIGHLY recommend
not watching anything
other than the Parking Citations one. So how about you? Would you give random people parking citations? Ohhh you know you want to...for that jerk at work who always uses the Handicap spot for his Mazda and all he has is a sprained ankle...or that lady that idles in the only parking spot in the whole world for an hour to load and re-load, and load again her groceries... (yes, I've seen it) ....or that lovely person who thinks it's park ON the lines not between them? *laughs*

Hair straighteners are death traps for hands. I'll just state that right now, out in the open. They are CRUEL. They are EVIL. They are HOT. (understatement) ...Yes, they
may get the job done but WOAH talk about an evil clamp of heated doom! I can't even count on my fingers, toes, and pens in my pencil drawer how many times I've burnt my fingers on that thing. I've recently taken up using it again...sigh...now I know why I gave up using...so that I could still have un-scotched fingers! Alas, what a price to pay! Perfectly straight hair....or not-so-red-burning-fingers-with-tears-in-your-eyes fingers? Eeek, my fingers are starting to hurt just thinking about it. It reminds of the saying, "No pain, no gain." ...and "Beauty hurts." and the ever popular, "Lizzie's hair straightener is evil." Definitely an understatement right thar, folks.

Popsicles. Every color shape and size. Why is it that I find a dairy-free, naturally flavored, delicious
popsicle brand at the
END of the summer? It's almost not fair. You can't imagine how hard it is to suck on a coconut lime pop in the dead of winter until you can't feel your lips. And yet, every year without fail….
I do it. What's your favorite popsicle flavor? Do you think it should be spelled POPSICLE or POPCICLE? xD

Hey I just noticed something...if it's
Spain, why don't we say
Spainish? But noooo someone didn't like that extra "-i" and now it Spanish. Sounds like
Panish. I say we revolt and say Spainish. It definitely sounds cooler. Anyways, I don't remember how I got them, but some how I acquired this adorable slim lime green corduroy pants. I wore them out on the town yesterday and woot-woot, got alot of looks and compliments for them. *laughs and blushes* (Well, most people liked my tweed hat more, but hey, the green pants seemed to rock too) Apparently, people seem to think I look good in green pants. Normally, I'm the pink-red-blue sporty, crazy, cute clothing type of girl. But matching those green pants with my tweed hat, tweed shoes, pin striped vest, and rufflely magenta satin top, I was ready and rawring to go :) I love creating cool outfits...especially with
green pants! I have a friend who has fuzzy green pants, but I was pretty sure they were for sledding/snow wear. Mine aren't fuzzy (thank heavens, I abhor fuzz), and flair out at the bottom and would probably suck alot if I went snowtubing in them, haha.
Love always, Lizzie ♥
Ohhh, I love colorful pants!! The next best thing is colorful raincoats/jackets. Bright pink trenchy!! <3 <3
ReplyDeleteMy last hair straightener burn consisted of me questioning how hot the thing was. It was hot.
I LOVEEEEE colorful trench coats!!! :D